may success be found walking this path to God

My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Greater London
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
*It was my intention to find a husband on here, but it is my contention that the poor interface of this platform is such that the faithful ones will be let down by the lack of appropriate sieving.

*I am not Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi, and I'm not British Indian, British Pakistani, or British Bangladeshi. I am British other though. I state that here because it seems to be important for some people. It is important to me in so much as I have no desire to be forced into having to accept that particular culture and I don't wish to have my origins and background ignored. I know that this can happen, so I put this out there. Please also recognise this within yourself.

*I work part time.. I hope that you know that my finances are my own, and that it goes without saying, that provision in marriage is upon the husband, charitable acts aside from the wife.

*orientation: towards ihsaan, maliki madhab as far as I can in a country that predominantly follows the hanafi fiqh, I'm not salafi or deobandi orientated..

*I do not wish to relocate. I have elderly parents I wish to be close to.

*I have thought about being a second wife, but mostly for the sake of support that marriage offers, less the sake of intimacy, and partly because I have other things in my life that I would like to give my time to. Except that second wives rarely have their rights under law.

*not a keen a traveller, although there are some parts of the world I would like to visit.

*do my best to pray my 5 salah on time but my job means that sometimes there is a delay.
*my faith is important to me
*you will not find me interested in gold or silver, or the latest bling, I'm not on social media except to follow certain shaykhs, I'm so old school that I don't use WhatsApp. I do like Sci fi, documentaries and films on occasions.
*please do not ask for my photo first. Best to ask some qualifying questions before asking for a picture. I don't wear niqab, but if I could, I would. So please respect the point about picture sharing.

*I'm not as well learned in faith as some may be, but I really hold it dear to my heart, manners and good written/spoken language really matter to me for allowing for good communication between spouses.

*having said the above, I have sense of humour, I'm playful at heart, and I'm serious about what matters, and so my best to keep on the path before Allah, as difficult as it may be sometimes.

*obedient, shy but also feisty (have to be as a doctor), someone who might question you, but not to challenge your authority but rather to ensure you're doing the right thing for you, us, before Allah and to understand your thinking and how you arose at your decision... Worth knowing right?
*keeper of your home, partner to shared hopes and dreams, teammate to the finish line of Jannah in sha Allah.

*I cook occasionally - like to eat healthy as best as I can but have a soft spot for chocolate (organic and fair trade as often as possible) - oops.

*I don't eat out unless it's completely halal, and I'm a vegetarian when doing so. I take rather a spiritual outlook on these matters and would rather ensure the people making any food I eat are of deep faith in God. Conclusions are that the best food therefore is halal Turkish food, because there is a lot barakah in their cooking I reckon.

*negative: point about me : I may have very specific spectrum traits, which means parts of me dislikes sudden change and specificity is important to me to alleviate unnecessary anxiety, I'm not a very social animal which means I find even family get togethers quite emotionally and mentally draining.


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What I Am Looking For
What I'm looking for -

I know that when a woman marries, in many cultures and in life as a whole, she sets to lose a lot, she gives up a lot, so a man who makes her feel though she's lost nothing but gained a whole load more, that's absolutely crucial and totally golden. Please recognise that she will have lost her family in the process of marrying you, and while you might feel that she's a missing puzzle piece that slots in to your life, she isn't one. She is human. And she is a puzzle piece taken out of a different artwork.
View her as binding thread that weaves together two beautiful tapestries.

I don't like sarcasm. No smokers please for health and many many reasons.
I do love a kind and patient man, and one who might make me smile, and bat away my worries, and be gently encouraging and who might be so kind as to guard my parents as his own and not restrict me from seeing them.
And honest man, who doesn't omit or speak in half truths.

Recognise the beauty of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his conduct, and you'll see why he (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is held in such high estimation by every Muslim sister

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
Greater London
My Height
1.63m (5' 4")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
medicine, biochemistry
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?