soul mate welcome

My Sect
Just Muslim
Prefer not to say
My Profession
Veterinary Doctor
Marital Status
Never married
Minnesota, Winona
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Happy and content with my life so far and hoping to meet my soul mate soon, inshallah. Im somewhat of a mixed nut with European/American/ North African/Arab Heritage so i speak fluent Arabic :-)

I would prefer my partner to be a revert from Western origin or even born Muslim who has a good balance of East and West. I have seen how some traditional practices override religion in many of the eastern cultures such as in Africa, Arabia, east Asia, so i want to stay clear of that kind of influence in our relationships while still respecting the cultures. That said, i do enjoy what some aspects of the different cultures and hope that my children may be exposed to many different cultures and ways of life.

Most people describe me as down to earth, level headed, no drama kind of girl. Loyalty to family and friends comes natural for me. Im always ready for a deep meaningful conversation and like a smart and witty joke and when i actually do have time to watch TV : yes, horror or suspense movies and the occasional chick flick.( you dont have to worry about being dragged to watch with me, though lol), but i do hope that you enjoy Discovery channel :-) or a good sitcom.
I im well balanced when it comes to my priorities. I am ambitious and strive to be better at whatever i do, Alhamdulilah.

In my free time i love to be out doors, walking, kanoing, cycling(depending on the season), or indoors with a great book ( i LOVE to read and study) or good movie. Not much of a fast food person, but enjoy eating out once in a while. Love animals( since it comes with the territory) and nature, Volunteering, drawing and sketching, Wii;-)
and spending time with my special someone..could it be you?

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What I Am Looking For
you have a big heart. Have a great positive attitude maybe even hopelessly optimistic. You like to laugh, yet know when to be serious and when not to take yourself too seriously. You love the outdoors and can be comfortable indoors spending time with me or off doing your own thing with your buddies. We love to travel to interesting places in the country or abroad. You are not a drama king and adore me as much as i adore you. We aren't afraid to have an open and honest communication and build our relationship on honesty, trust and Open communication. We share a common sense of spirituality whether its praying together, meditating or practicing yoga..( well you don't have to be a yoga person:-).

We share a common goal to do good in the world and serve people/Animals/environment. We are both dedicated to be (EQUALLY ENVOLVED) in raising our children( when/if we decide to have them to be healthy, happy, successful Muslim individuals.
Apart we are both unique amazing personalities, but together we are invincible. Oh, and you like to cook. Also, I will NOT respond to anyone who does not have a photo.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United States
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Minnesota, Winona
My Height
1.68m (5' 6")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Veterinary Doctor
My Job Title
Prefer not to say
My Sect
Just Muslim
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?