To find myself a partner and soul mate

My Sect
Just Muslim
Somewhat religious
My Profession
Art & Design
Marital Status
Missouri, St. Louis
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
I truly would very much appreciate a few moments of your time to read all of what I have to say here as it represents some of what I am looking for and who I am.
I am an outdoors person more than indoors. I like activities such as fishing, scuba and kayaking but this is not an all inclusive list. I also like driving around the countryside looking for interesting out of the way places. I don't like to put limits on myself and I'm always looking for new adventures and activities. My taste in music is everything except rap. I try to keep myself healthy and fit, but I am not obsessed with it. The physical part is easy. I lift weights to stay fit, but love food too much to be truly in shape. I call that "average". Few women find me handsome at first glance. I believe that a man should open doors for women and be generous with compliments. Good manners are always in fashion. I like to hold hands when walking down the street, give great hugs and I am pretty easy going. I'm OK in formal settings but prefer casual. I don't feel like I have to convince everybody to see things my way. I believe in God in my own way and I prefer someone who is not dogmatic in her beliefs. If you do smoke cigars, they should smell good. My match and I will overlook the small stuff.
I have a great sense of humor but for the life of me I can't put it into writing. People tell me, "You're so funny!" and I say, "Well, looks aren't everything."
First off, I'm a down to earth, kind and very goal oriented person who absolutely loves life and all those who i'm blessed to know. My friends tell me that i'm dedicated, honest, fun-loving, and silly. My job takes a great deal of commitment and compassion for families so during work hours I'm in full work mode but after hours I let my hair down. I can be sarcastic at times but just in fun. I absolutely love to bring your best sense of humor!!!
My name is Alex and i am trying to find the special woman to share my life with. I will tell you that am very kind and honest with myself as I have had enough happen to me by others. I wish to find only one woman to be more than a wife to me to share my life with and I want to keep her until grey hair. I love a good conversation and enjoy outdoors. I like holding hands and Sometime its just wonderful to be held by someone who really cares for you. I do not believe though that life ought to be lived without love.
I am looking for a woman who could share my values and some of my interests. Laughter, honesty, communication and passion are on top of my list. When we meet, tell me what special place you would like to show me, a mountain, a beach, a park, a hole in the wall. Maybe together we can create the kind of relationship that everyone envies. Maybe you will be the one to get me off this site forever.
I'm looking for a partner that is willing to share life with me. I want someone who is fun to be around, who can make me laugh, but not afraid to hold me and be tender when I need that too. I support the people in my life to go farther and do more and I want that same support from the special somebody in my life.
What do I want? I want to meet someone who has common interests, who likes to have fun, has her head straight and knows what she wants out of life.. I'm very independent and self-sufficient and want the same from my partner. I live everyday in hopes of learning something new and would love nothing more than to find someone to share that with.
I'm not looking to settle for less and and you shouldn't either. Live life to its fullest and love with every breath you take! I'm not materialistic, the simple things in life make me the happiest man. It's not about the dollars you spend it's about the thought that's put into it.
To quote John Mayer: "I'm tired of being alone, so hurry up and get here!...I'll know you when I see you, and you'll be so good for me". And I for you!"

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What I Am Looking For
I'd love to meet a sweet and adorable lady between the ages of 45-65, who is a nonsmoker , Drinking is ok as long as you control it and not otherwise...I don't have a weight specification, just want you to be healthy... I love the outdoors so lots of walking is essential, as I walk nightly & love flea markets and garage sales sometimes. I'm not a great cook but a wonderful man when it comes to grills... Religion is a personal choice and I'll respect whatever you choose or what you do... I believe she will have the fear and respect for Allah with love and respect for human kind and I'd love to go to church with you so we can worship together in faith.... I love to pamper my woman and I always put her first in my life as I want to be number 1 in her life... I'm a one man woman who is trustworthy, dedicated, affectionate, romantic and sensual. I love to kiss and hug with some serious cuddling, I love to watch movies and cuddle on the couch... I'm looking for a real sweetheart, I'm a real handy guy who knows how to treat his woman best... I'm the kind of man who opens doors for a woman and such more do everything for her because she is worth it. I'm alot of fun to be with and looking for you to spend it with..

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United States
Missouri, St. Louis
My Height
1.85m (6' 1")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Masters degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Art & Design
My Job Title
Architect and project manager
Somewhat religious
My Sect
Just Muslim
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Keep Halal at Home Only
Do You Perform Salaah?