I'm not a HOTLINE!

My Sect
Prefer not to say
My Profession
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Marital Status
Greater Manchester
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
πŸ”Š WANTED: HUSBAND πŸ’ͺπŸ‘€ , any colour, any size, new or old as long as you are in great working order & have beautiful traits running through your system then please contact me immediately 😁.

🌹 WHO AM I? 🌹

πŸ’š Single

πŸ’š No children

πŸ’š No drama

πŸ’š Understand hard work from personal experience

πŸ’š May Allaah bless the good Muslim men who are working tirelessly to provide for those they are responsible for aameen.

πŸ’š Sensative like all females that God created SubHaan Allaah.

πŸ‘ Strong willed ☺ , walk away at the first sign a man speaks or behaves disrespectfully. AlHamdulillaah ☺ β™₯ πŸ’ͺ

☺ We were raised respectfully.

βœ”οΈ I stay off social media by choice alHamdulillaah.
β–ͺ️I don't want to display myself publically, or, shamelessly, to attract 'likes'!! The temptation is there but better to fight it. AlHamdulillaah I have ✌️ peace.

πŸ“š A few years ago I studied Islamic knowledge, Aqeedah from scratch so alHamdulillaah.

βœ… Marriage

❌ zina

🌞 I look at the sky, watch the sun setting & sit and watch the sky at dawn, stare into the night sky .. love the Creation created by Allaah, Sub Haan Allaah

Always live in 'hope'. Because tomorrow IS another day if we live to see it.

❀️ Horses 🐎, motorbikes 🏍 [no, I can't ride a horse nor a motorbike].

❀️ Aeroplanes ✈️ [I always wanted to become a pilot, but couldn't, such is life πŸ˜₯, maybe one day πŸ˜€ get a Private Pilots Licence].

❀️ Salad, Watermelon and Lemons [yes, lemons, not organges but lemons].

❀️ Pakistani Lamb Rice, Roti; Turkish, Lebanese, Iraqi, Palestinian, Syrian.. GRILLED food in general is πŸ˜‹ πŸ‘Œ

βœ”οΈ Protect me, from harm where you can & I will protect you, because I am loyal to the core, and I will protect whats MINE with my LIFE.

βœ”οΈ I'd stick up for you till my last breath if you were being treated unjustly by anyone, because I take the side of what's right.

βœ”οΈ That's the warrior blood in me, yes I am sensative 😒 as Allaah made me a female, I might be small, but subHaan-allaah, I am courageousπŸ’“ and mighty, and alHamdulil-laah it's because I'm from the Prophets lineage 😊.

[we are connected through Hazart ^Alis Son ^Abbas step brother to Hassan and Hussain]. Do look into the background as it matters, you get an idea of how we behave. I.e. kind and soft unless provoked. Never aggressive unless there is a just cause.

Marriage is said to be islamically, a logical decision, not an emotional decision.

βœ”οΈ It's ok if your not 6ft and don't have a 6 pack as long as your heart is full of purity and keep halal. There is barakaah in Nikkah.

πŸ’š Allaah can turn your πŸ’– to fall in love with your spouse, even if initially you didn't think the person was attractive to look at.

β™₯ Thanks to those for adding me to your likes list but please message me.

☺ Stay Happy ☺ nice messages.

βœ–οΈ No trolls πŸ‘Ώ

βœ–οΈ I will not give my number out like it's a hotline!

πŸ™ A God fearing man will do things islamically. He will be scared of his creator and be careful in what he says and does.


βœ”οΈ Have you had tough times but now your successful? If so, Then I WANT you, over the Prince, who hasn't cried/felt sad or lonely.

πŸ’” If you've seen hard times, you have lived, alHamdulil-laah, it truely makes you realise what most people in duniyaa are about. SHALLOW. They can't see past their education, career, wealth and social life etc.

βœ”οΈ The pain you felt during hard times, has made you a better person now, maybe even very successful now, BUT you never forget those hardships but more importantly, you know Allaah is the giver and taker of all and Allaah is not obligated to give us anything but we are obligated to be forever grateful for His Mercy upon us.
β–ͺ️Then you are MY man, that's what I will fall in love with..your πŸ’—

πŸƒThose who have never seen a hardship or have forgotten that once upon a time they had nothing, these ignorant types of people are amongst those who know nothing. They live in duniyaa like duniyaa is eternal.

πŸƒThose of understanding will understand, that the soul isn't content in this body around the fake glitz and glam; others will read my profile and misjudge me. Them on their path❌, me on mineβœ”.πŸƒ

πŸ”Š Disclaimer: Men, You know yourself and if your intentions are haraam or messages are inappropriate βœ–οΈ, you won't get a response πŸ˜πŸ’š.

A wise man said, my soul is from elsewhere, I am sure of that, and I intend to end up there... if you truely understand this...you will understand my depth. πŸ‘ ...

AlHamdulil-laah for every single thing😊. 😊 alHamdulillaah because I have peace in my heart. That wasn't there years ago when I hadn't studied Islam.

Clothes πŸ‘š πŸ‘œ πŸ‘  and πŸ’„πŸ’‹ are a mask. It's life .

πŸ˜† Smile for the world.

Hide 😒 with πŸ˜ƒ.

Protect πŸ’—.

Deep down everyone without a companion is lonely.

πŸ˜” No matter how many associates or friends you have..they all go home.

πŸ˜” They meet to socalise; laugh πŸ˜‚& joke; gossiping or back biting, they probably envy you and don't care that you aren't attending masjid or praying or fasting.

πŸ˜” They don't care about your hardships or inner deep feelings; when they aren't there or you 😒, you are alone; wish you had a companion πŸ’‘who could hug you;just make you feel loved.

Your companion won't leave you in hard times.

πŸ’š I won't leave you in your difficult times πŸ’–;

πŸ’š I will dance with you in good times, woohoo party timeπŸ’ƒ(halal of course)

❓️ If during marriage we struggled for food🍝
πŸ«‚ I would share mine with you, because that's love for the sake of Allaah.
❓️IF you only had Β£1, would you spend 99p of it on your wife πŸ’“ would you do that for me in this selfish world.

πŸ€” Is there a man who will just have eyes for me & lower his gaze around ajnabi women?
Or will he keep looking at other women as well?

😱 I see married men looking at other women when they have their wife with him, when I see that, I think, "Ya Allaah please don't grant me a man like that 🀲 aameen."

βœ”οΈ Professionally, I can command attention respectfully from men, including not shaking hands with an ajnabi men.

βœ”οΈ Non muslim men have still respected me so much alHamdulil-laah; and I appear confident, some say arrogant, but there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.

☺️ HOWEVER personally/socially, I am reserved, I get shy when I get approached by men for marriage.. I'm not ashamed because alHamdulillaah it just means I am not shameless ☺.

βœ”οΈ Also females go by this rule, that if you make us feel uneasy, if your tone, choice of language or behaviour is wrong, then, it is wrong! Women don't doubt it, they πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ away. ☺. Islamic teachers said that JUST as a Leopard can't change it's characteristics of having spots; abhorrent charactetistics in a man or a women, do not change by doing a Nikkah. Therefore choose logically.

βœ…οΈ If you are the type who is experienced/ Islamically knowledgeable aware of your rights towards your future wife ie me, have patience, you will value what I say and how I feel, then I'm all yours. πŸ’‘. Let's get πŸ‘° πŸ’

βœ”οΈ I need to do so much more good for my grave.

βš–οΈ Need to attain good deeds as do you; what greater way to increase them than by marrying and fulfilling my duties as a wife..

βš–οΈ getting good deeds from as little as tidying our palace 🏠 to hugging you πŸ’‘ after your hard day at work to make you feel relaxed.

❀️ I'll be so happy you work so hard, and love you for always making time for me, treating me with kindness even if I am not in a good mood [as majority of ladies hormones change week to week] πŸ˜ƒ

βœ–οΈ I can't respect you if you have abused any 🚺 female.

βœ–οΈ To be fair you know yourself: if you have raised your voice [abusive] or hit your mum and or sister (let alone any ajnabi women), then I'd prefer it if you didn't message me.

❌️ I have noticed some very pushy & aggressive πŸ‘ΏπŸ˜‘ messages being sent by a few guys. It just further indicates they are not husband material at all.
As Mohammad Hijab would say to cowards, "boy your finished!" πŸ˜….

πŸ’š I live happily at the moment woohoo, so definitely don't want to give that up for an abuser or pushy man.

I pray Allah protects us muslimas from those types of 🚹 men. They exist on here and they will abuse via text or when they speak. I have adviced ladies to report them to admin so I will practice what I preach and report you too, and in person you will be reported to the police.


We learnt that if you want to see how your future husband is, ask the men who travelled with him, ask people that know his mother about how he has treated her or disrespected her until now. People in the community know about cowards because their mother/sister etc. has told her friends etc.

If you have been raised by a man/father who treated your mum like a queen then you are a Prince who has surely followed his footsteps inshaa allaah. Like my grandad β™₯. If so then we will both be so supportive because we will look out for each others best interest. Some people haven't had any parents raise them or they had a single mother or father raise them and they have grown into very respectful men. So, it doesn't matter who raised you as long as you are as described earlier.


Inshaa'allaah I will continue to focus on bettering myself onto the path of piety & be the winner of paradise on the day of judgement. πŸ™ 'Aameen.


πŸ˜ƒ What else can I tell you? Why don't you just ask me

Then meet me 😊

Then get married πŸ’

Then make a loving family πŸ‘ͺ lol

πŸ’“Take me to Madina to visit my Prophet MuHammad Sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam; I went once and I have missed it ever since πŸ˜” alHamdulillaah I am from his (peace and blessings be upon him) lineage. πŸ’“

Want to get to know me and let me get to know you..

πŸ’• This may take days ... weeks or couple of months but not years! Just want to meet some 1, not 2, 3 or 20 men πŸ’ž naturally you will know if you vibe etc...not looking for a haraam relationship at all.

(past= ✈; arranged nikkah. No marriage. But inshaa allaah looking forward to a beautiful MARRIAGE with a Muslim Masculine Man until death do us part ☺)

πŸ“Έ Photos were taken without those filters.
Please have recent photos too.
[lots of guys here use filters; cringy. Reminds me of the programme by singlemuslim. Com. Fatima Mohammed, a Muslim relationship coach and Brother Gabrial AlRomaani who is a lecturer, discussed about the classes he teaches 🚹 Men titled 'reclaim your Muslim Masculinity'. Quit addiction to XRated content and learn Islaam.]

😱 Many ladies are saying they would rather stay single than marry a feminine man and so many guys don't know why ladies turn them away. These two presenters addressed it so well. ☺

🀬 Many men of today show aggression or are oppressive but think they are good guys. Some men leave the women to do stuff that Islamically he should do and then wonder why he isn't respected by his woman and so on.

IF you watched that programme then you know what I mean. Think it's available on YouTube. Check it out.

πŸ‘€ If you are like the 'Muslim Masculine Man*' as they described, then definitely knock on my door πŸšͺ please ☺.
*By the way if you KNOW you desire menπŸ‘¬ OR are bi, please don't message me.
βœ”οΈ The wash and go type 😍 easy on the eyes and heart will do.
βœ”οΈ The one who knows the women are his responsibility to look after and maintain and knows how to satisfy the emotional needs of the women by his words, attitude and behaviour.

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What I Am Looking For
πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒ What I Am Looking For is: YOU!

βœ…οΈ I've grown up with an amazing πŸ’“πŸ‘male role model .. my late grandad😍; so pious, so humble. A man amongst men..bread winner, courageous but an absolute softie with his grandkids, soft with kids, daughters and wife. Yet we all listened to him and RESPECTED what he told us to do. Β All the traits as per the sunnah. I want a man like him inshaa'allaah.πŸƒ

πŸƒDo you want to be cared πŸ’— for by your wife❔ Do you want her to give you her time and attention and do things to suprise you at home❔ and do you not mind if she is around your neck like a necklace, hugging you [just checking as not all male husbands want this]

YOU πŸ’ͺ will be my king πŸ‘‘ in this duniyaa & the next inshaa'allaah


....lets just talk and find out more...Β Β 

Here is how I want this to work..if you are genuine you will like this process: Stage:

1) Exchange a message or few give me your background info etc.

2) See photo then

3) Talk on the phoneπŸ“ž..if mutual agree to..

4) Meet face to face

5)Β  if mutual agree to come offline together and stay in touch FOREVER πŸ‘°πŸ’ πŸ’ž


βœ…οΈ A Muslim MAN. A believer firmly on Islam without any doubt πŸ’š

βœ…οΈ A muslim who knows his Islamic Responsibilities and knows his obligations in marriage

[ ] Are you a guy without any creepy traits🚫 [please google 'creepy guy traits' and check you don't have Narcissistic personality disorder 😨 or Irritable Male Syndrome].

βœ…οΈ A muslim man who is honest about his Age, location, marital status and if you have kids.

βœ…οΈ A muslim man who has never emotionally/physically abused a female before [is this really too much to ask in this day and age πŸ€”].

βœ…οΈ A muslim man who is not a 'know it all'; softly spoken, naturally calm & laid back nature.

βœ…οΈ Are you an independent guy who relies on Allaah [Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ψ©] only.

βœ…οΈ What I'd reallllllly love is for you to be playful and soft towards me [I don't care how you are with your 'friends' as long as I am treated softly] so I can have a laugh. I want you toΒ  be an intelligent (with emotional intelligence) man, who steps up when I realllllly need you to take me or a situation seriously.

βœ…οΈ Say what you MEAN & MEAN what you say.. i.e. if you say you LIKE ME to get to know me for Marriage, fab πŸ‘ .
β–ͺ️Being fake, saying all the right things but ultimately looking for a 'girlfriend': being a creep; inappropriate in any way is not Islamically acceptable and YOU appear desperate 🀒 ; (playground tactics don't work either πŸ˜‚ , i.e. insults as banter = ⛔️ ) .

‼️ You may have had a sinful past, criminal record or prison&repented since, I judge you for YOU in the present and how you treat ME.πŸƒ

βœ…οΈ A muslim man who knows his nikkah is with HIS WIFE, and not a nikkah of his wife to his sister, brother, family, friends and the pet.πŸƒ

βœ…οΈ Ideally: A Learned Man who knows & follows the sunnah as per Aqeedah At Tahwwiyah [google it ☺️] and For Fiqh, I don't mind if you follow any one of the four [Hanafi, Shafi^i, Maliki or Hanbali] main madhhabs. Religious/Learned doesn't mean you can't have fun, it just means you take the halal route & know the rules to keep yourself safe from falling out of Islaam [yes, a Muslim can fall out of Islaam if he commits blasphemy through incorrect saying, action or belief]. I am a revert [not convert].

πŸ“šA few years ago I was given permission to teach aqeedah and basic tajweed. So when it comes to certain knowledge ie fard ul ayn, alHamdulillaah I stand alone in comparison to the ignorant.
❌️ Before I studied I used to think I could teach myself Islaam but that is a major mistake, would you self teach brain surgery or would you go to a qualified place to study it. So Islaam is not self taught but needs to be studied from trustworthy sources and oral transmission that leads back to an unbroken chain to Nabi MuHammad peace be upon him. The reason I have put all this down here is to save time and not reply to men who don't know this already as we are on different paths. May allaah keep us firm on Islaam and keep our imaan intact until death aameen β™₯

βœ…οΈ Preferably someone who doesn't have children because 'dads' are in a different league to me; many are too 'MATURE' for me especially those with adult children. Remember, I DON'T have children, so I can't relate. Exceptionally: if you are still very young in your attitude & mentality then message me.


❌️ A married man

❌️ A man engaged in meeting/dating multiple women

❌️ A casual affair

❌️ An Agnostic [Google it if you don't know the meaning]

❌️ A confrontational 🀬 man [ i'm serious, the number of men here who are coming across like they need to be seen by a specialist to manage their aggression is alarming].
Dear Men: it's never acceptable to be aggressive towards sisters, if the lady says she is not interested, back off because NO, means NO; [had to add this in black and white].

❌️ An adult size πŸ‘Ά.

❌️ A man bitter about his ex & calling women names/putting them down.

❌️ If you are scarred from your past relationship and send hate to women on here [to feel powerful], I won't reply to you 😁. Muhammad Hijab would call you, ".. Weak One! Little one!" πŸ˜‚.

❌️ Man still attached to his mother's ambilical cord whereby his mother and/or sisters will be dictating what he can and can't do with his Mrs.

❌️ Men who use derogatory words and say it's playful 'banter' to show affection,
β–ͺ️I've found certain men from a certain background to be like this thus far.Β  I dont tolerate disrespectful jokes. If you wouldn't say it to your mother, don't say it to ladies here.
β–ͺ️The ladies on here are potential wives and POTENTIALLY future mothers to your kids, maybe your own sister is on here too would you want a man to talk or behave in a dirty way with her? No.

❌️ If you take illegal drugs and/or drink alcohol/eat haraam/earn from a haraam source i.e. drug dealing/bar/club work  

❌️ Men who message vulgarity or apply pressure/demand to meet/call

πŸ”΄ WARNING: I've worked in mens prisons etc. Hence I'm not nieve to rapists; groomers; dirty offenders; manipulators! Females need to be careful about certain behaviours in men. If I find you to be operating inappropriately you'll be reported!! πŸ˜βœ”οΈ

πŸ”Š Muslim marriage equals humility, dignity, respect and not to use vulgarity towards each other as the norm.

πŸ€²πŸ™ May allaah protect us from ignorance. Lead us to learn our duties in islaam prior to marriage. Please only message me if you truely understand this.βœ”

πŸƒAllaah created women emotional and men to be more logical but Allaah gave women, 'effective phycological speech'. The husband has to be aware of this quality in his wife andΒ learn to be quiet when once in a while the wife [maybe due to hormones or the like] the wife is firey/angry. Β My grandad didn't argue back with my Gran, he said there is no need to get angry as she has a right to get upset, she is a women and made to be emotional but she will soon calm down so the best thing to do is to support her or not to respond negatively to question her upset. To a man's one comment, the wife will have a bigger and better response. But if she is wrong just stay quiet, your silence will hurt the wife enough to know your upset and approach you and say sorry. Scholars teach this. My grandad practiced it. Long lasting marriages are based on islamic principles. Control your anger. Use your logic. Β Be merciful to the wife after all she has given herself to you for life, she will go through many changes emotionally, physically. Are you man enough to handle it and take this responsibility as Nabi MuHammad Sallallaahu ^alayhi Wa-sallam, taught❓ Not many men in duniyaa nowadays are 'real men'. I won't marry you if you are feminine in your ways and looks out of choice. The wash and go type of man, is my man inshaa'allaah, not the one who takes longer than me to get ready 😲. You might Β argue that the women nowadays act like men [and you are right, as stated earlier, women have taken on masculine roles because the men in their life fell short]. All I know is, a real Muslim Man will know a real Muslim Women and vice versa 😊.

πŸƒ Can you commit to giving me i.e. your wife, YOUR attention, compliments and YOUR affection because if you can't Β your marriage won't last. A Wife needs to feel assured by her husband VERBALLY all the time, say loving things everyday, if you are away at work can you text me nice things on your break; Β just ask an Islamic Teacher how to fulfil your wifes desires. Β If you can't fulfil that need of your wife she will start to loose interest and love towards you. Someone else may start to give her that attention. Β This is why I say there are not many real men left in todays society as they don't learn about a wifes emotional needs but seek for their own satisfactions to be fulfilled. The women put up with this but eventually break & LEAVE and the man thinks it happened over night, but it didn't.πŸƒ

🐣 I put my eggs in one basket and will give my all to see if we can work.
⛔️ Cheeters and liers DO GET Caught πŸ˜‰; alHamdulil-laah I know the liers from the genuine ☺ .
❀️ If we get to the meeting stage & you like me after meeting me & see a future;Β step up, let me know. Guys who say, "why did she never talk to me again?!", I say, "Huh?! When did you confirm you were interested πŸ˜‚!".

πŸ™ˆ To look at or to talk to me I don't appear reserved BUT I am especially on issues relating to being attracted to you, I don't know HOW to express myself so please ask me what I think of you, be patient..I might laugh at everything (probably becuase I am nervous).

Β Β Β Β Β  I will wait 4 you to get in touch inshaa'allaah

****sorry Mr I can't accept photo swaps... so please send a NORMAL request ***

I don't have an issue if you are a revert; welcome to Islaam. Β Every soul Allaah created was created with an inclination towards knowing that there is a Creator of the Creation, to know that Allaah exisits and that non is worthy of worship except the Creator, who can NEVER be imagined, as our minds are created and are limited. Β Once the soul reached duniyaa and a person became accountable he or she then chose to become brain washed into other beliefs or maybe he or she just never heard the statement that there is no God but God to whom we all must submit in worship. However you were guided, you were guided alHamdulil-laah, so who am I to judge. Β  May allaah keep muslims steadfast on IslaamπŸ’–. 'Aameen.πŸƒ

****Β  If you are a Brit National and are planning on or already are in Saudia Arabia or UAE/Canada/America/Australia, I dont mind as I am happy to relocate with you.

πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒBaarakallaahufeek πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒ

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Personal Information
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Country of Origin
United Kingdom
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I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
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Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
Greater Manchester
My Height
1.65m (5' 5")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
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Subject I Studied
πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒ How to be a good wife πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒ
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
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My Job Title
πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒ Your Wifey for Lifey πŸƒπŸŒΉπŸƒ
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My Sect
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Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?