I know something about love, gotta risk it all...

My Sect
Prefer not to say
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Greater London
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
UPDATE: FOLKS this is terribly out of date (written in my more idealistic - a bit younger phase, but I can’t be bothered to update it. Sorry

Words are hopelessly inadequate to express the intangibles of human nature... You are better off knowing me but here I am about to try... DO READ THE SMALL PRINT BEFORE RESPONDING... It is there for a reason, I don’t wish to waste your time, I especially don’t wish to waste mine!

The good news is my love is all enveloping like the sea, the better news a volcano is seething beneath so prepare thyself for seismic activity off the Richter Scale!

I’m often described as charismatic, passionate, intellectual, philosophical, paradoxical, wickedly witty and hopelessly addictive (I guess you'll want to find out for yourself)! I'd say I may be beautiful but flawed, content in my own skin as God intended me to be. “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty”!

I'm open-minded, warm hearted, perceived to be somewhat unapproachable - I'm told the haughty demeanour adds to my allure. I'm highly confident, so admittedly it takes a self-assured man to make advances. You, of course, won't have that problem given the method of introduction. I'm a great conversationalist, I love to talk but yearn even more to listen to someone who really tugs at my heart-strings! I believe the quest for learning is never ending and look for like minded people. I'm career focused and generally ambitious. I hope to balance this with a happy family life in the near future and knowing me it’s another thing I’d throw myself into heart and soul.

With regards to people and their opinions, I practice acceptance, tolerance & as a last resort avoidance. I prefer not to, but I am perfectly capable of, in fact masterful at handling confrontation. I'm fiercely independent & strong minded. I want to lean on someone not because I have to but choose to. I'm morally consistent & loyal to a fault if the other warrants it. Emotionally mature, loving & giving yet demanding. I can have a riotous good time or be as thoughtful as Rodin's "Thinker". What am I looking for? London, love it as I may, is in short supply of eligible Turkish bachelors (I'm never without suitors but none has conquered the Ilium of my heart).

I'm looking for that special someone first as a friend & then... dare I say it kindred spirit... Someone who perhaps shares a common language (not non-negotiable), core values about family, love, loyalty that define my being... Love at its best, is an exercise in humility. We are drawn to those with qualities we admire but do not possess or have not perfected. I’m content in myself, yet I don’t seek a carbon copy of myself. What would be the joy in that? I prefer and respect healthy differences in character, differences that enrich us. If you imagine you’re the finished article but don’t deign to ask “what do I have to give another human being” we won’t see eye to eye.

I must say a word or two about faith. Some of your perceptions seem too black and white. I consider Islamic values to be the necessary building blocks of family life... Otherwise, I might have married – eligibly so. However, I am not strictly observant. Each path to Allah is personal, subjective, sometimes littered with obstacles, or not... Granted my spiritual journey is a work in progress... For me it’s lame to label people by ‘degrees of faith’ – moderate, liberal, fundamentalist... The truth is I endeavour to get one step closer to Allah each day. I prefer someone who recognises that faith is in all our deeds and thoughts... For the same reasons, I dare not dictate when I marry, though when I find you, don’t be surprised to find yourself at the centre of a whirlwhind


I love reading contemporary and classic literature, all kinds of philosophy. I like the outdoors, trekking, hiking, rock climbing (albeit I'm a novice), I’ve been known to pull daredevil stunts

Hope to make travel a feature of my life. Weekends away sight-seeing, doing any of the above or just relaxing... So get packing... light (I’m still working on that!)

Restaurants, theatre, galleries, movies, hunting down old treasures... are just some of the things I might share with you

For all my unconventionality, I am quite a homebody. Equally at home wielding power tools or tottering in Blahniks (glam shoes)! I’m definitely for the connoisseurs among you!

A right brain inclination combined with wanton spontaneity sometimes compels me ‘to create’ – from renovating, to decorating, to destroying the perfectly serviceable... It is entirely conceivable that the walls may not be standing when you return “Sorry honey, trust me it’s for the best, I have a vision...”

In short, I’m the most remarkable wonderfully paradoxical yet totally consistent female specimen you’re likely to cross paths with... but admittedly not for the faint-hearted...

All that said, I believe affinity is created in a single moment or not at all... So grab your moment!

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What I Am Looking For
Where do I start!? I believe my face will light up with recognition when I see you & sound will reverberate ever so sweetly because your voice is no longer a stranger to my ears... Enough of the poetry...

I haven't compiled a personal spec or psychometric tests so I'll list some essential qualities:-

Professional, educated, intelligent, open-minded... Has a perpetual quest for learning & teaching. Ultimately seeking a serious match (THE ONE). Supremely confident, driven and ambitious. Likewise, respects confidence in a woman (if you find this threatening let mummy arrange the marriage!).
Sincere and fiercely loyal. Intellectually stimulating (the brain is the most erogenous zone after all). Able to express his feelings & demonstrative of his affections. Nurturing, mature & morally autonomous. Has a sense of adventure, discovery & loves to travel (with me of course)!
Inherently feels, as I do, that trust and loyalty form the foundations of every successful relationship; friendship, attraction and love are the bricks and mortar; creativity, communication and respect keep a roof over your head in the long run.

Emotionally intelligent and willing to have an “I-You” relationship (not an “I-I or I-EX or I-Ideal”)... Life is too short to deal with over-developed egos, past baggage or implausible fantasy! I’d rather someone real, able to live in the here and now. Willing to be the right person, not simply to find the right person. Prepared to grow together as opposed to seeking to slot a wife (like a missing fixture) into the small void in his life.

Physical attraction/chemistry is a must for me (so certifiable hotties do apply) but I wouldn't notice it if other qualities are absent. I'll be most interested if you possess the ability to keep me engaged with lingering tete a tetes... but time will tell...

I’d be delighted if you have a creative streak, or can tap into your or my the inner child on occasion (this does not mean I wish to mother you but I’m able to be silly if its tastefully done)!

Being an optimist, I tend not to focus on negatives but... I lead a busy life, I am not on SM to garner male attention. I don’t do games, won’t play games or be drawn into unexpected dead ends. I like vulnerability, I dislike serious weakness / flakiness / indecision in men - so MAN up!!! If you’re writing simply to compliment or focus ONLY on the physical – rest assured it’s been said before – thanks but save it! Age is not a preoccupation, several years either side I’m open to... Boys (19-26 age group), you’re charming, I’m flattered but we’re in different places. Likewise, no offence, if you’re pushing my daddy’s age (he’s 54 and still dashing) it’s unlikely to happen. Above all, if you’re in need of an ego massage or are killing time, if you come on strong one day, and carry on like a boy lost the next, jog on elsewhere please... I prefer to acclimatise with a few thoughtful messages and meet someone sooner, rather than later. I don’t do one liners or endless online chat... THOSE MY FRIENDS ARE THE PARAMETERS. Respect mine, I’ll respect yours.

I could go on but its no use... if I interest you and you believe you fit the bill/can handle the challenge, drop me a line. Please contact me only if (I STRESS) you're at peace with yourself & your past, therefore ready to embrace a brave new world (with me)!!!

I would ideally like to respond to everyone, it’s not always possible. If I don't respond, I don't see potential for mutual compatibility. Thanks for your interest.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
United Kingdom
Greater London
My Height
1.65m (5' 5")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
Law (mainly)
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Prefer not to say
My Sect
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
Usually Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?