Bismillah hirrohman nirrohim, Assalamualaikum.

My Sect
My Profession
Social Worker
Marital Status
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Bismillah hirrohman nirohim.

I'm just a simple muslim woman who try her best to be a good muslim to practice and follow whats written in Quran and sunnah.

I believe we all are in the same boat and purpose why we are here.
We try our best and ask for guidance, but after all wallahu a'lam.

I'm practicing Muslim, who is fear of Allah and follow Pilar Islam, inshaallah.
I am honest, loving, caring, loyal and trustworthy person and have a strong sense of belonging toward my family ties, and family oriented. My friends said I have good heart and put other people before herself. Alhamdulillah of the kind compliment.

I am not rich, however I am grateful, alhamdulillah (Allah SWT is great) that i have physical and mentally stable.I am grateful to what I am and who I am, and what I have achieved in life, although without doubt I make mistakes and not denying that I'm not perfect either, however who is perfect ?? Only Allah swt is perfect and have perfection.

I would never consider the lie and I hate swearing as myself don't swear, either my son.
I would respect and appreciate more to the honesty even though it could come hurtful or disappointment,but you know the truth. I believe honesty is fundamental of relationship, its compulsory policy if you want to build a successful relationship in marriage, in my opinion, besides respect and trust.

I like travelling, cooking, walking, reading. I dont eat ready meals unless in the situation i have to as well take away. I would say I rare have take away. I always cook fresh for my meals.
I have performed my Umrah 2020, and alhamdulillah, I just performed my second umrah during the last 10 days of Ramadan 2024. Inshaallah when I have found my other half deen, I would like to visit holly land again to perform my/our umroh and hajj together to accomplish pilar Islam, otherwise I have to go alone or with my son. 😊

So, I believe in the reality, you cant judge people personality and get to know someone by their words....but you have to find out the evidents by get to know them. So please do not hesitate to contact me.
I believe Allah SWT knows the best and our destiny have been written. All the best to you. Inshaallah.

Please take notice, that im not looking for a relationship that lead to disobidience to my faith and deen, but I am looking only a HALAL relationship.
Inshaallah, May Allah swt grant my wish and dua and make easy to find my rightious life partner...Qadarallah, wallahu a'lam 🤲
And I wish everyone all the best and may Allah swt make it easy. Ameen.

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What I Am Looking For
I have one adult son (21 yol) who is now stuying in university.
I am therefore genuinely seeking for a good hearted man who fear to Allah swt, and wants to strengthen his iman and deen with the rightious human being. Seeking for someone who's genuine, honest, loving, caring, loyal, trushworthy, and sincere. Someone who is independent in his own skin, and has physical and metally stable. Someone who is only looking for Halal relationship to complish his deen. Someone who have same vision to value of Islam dan willing to share and guide each other to be better muslim and build house in Jannah firdaus.Inshaallah, grow old together. Someone who is older or same age as me, not really interested to younger age, however if there's a younger muslim likes my profile and interesting to get to know me, he must be no more than 6 years younger than me. The athletic or average or masculine shape that would be preference.
NO drama, NO player nor baggage, or dynamic family !!!

You must be WIDOWER, DIVORCED or NEVER MARRIED, plus with 1 or 2 children, youngest at least teenager or grown up children. Please do not be offended by this.

As woman, quote of hadist what Rasulullah saw said:"the woman would not find the sweetness of faith until she fulfills the rights of her husband." So the purpose I join here with intention to fulfill my ibadah to strength my deen, inshaallah, looking for my other half deen, and find a missing puzzle.

So, please I'm just looking for halal relationship, my lawful companion life partner in Islamic and legal way and no any other way what's said in Quran and hadist.
Fear to Allah swt....we are just HIS SLAVE and our obligation to please our creator, Allah SWT.
Quran said;They (your wives) are as garment to you, and you are as garment to them.
Quran 24:32 asserts that marriage is a legitimate way to satisfy one's desire.
Quran 24:33 tells believers to keep their chastity if they do not marry.

Inshaallah Allah SWT guide us to find the rightious partner and guide us into the right path and protect us from zina. Aameen.🤲

If you live abroad or foreigner please do not contact me. I'm only looking for UK permanent residents or British passport holder, pls !! No time waster or game player or drama !! No reply who lives abroad or foreign citizen. Please do not offended?🙏 And please tell the truth about your age also.

Thanking you kindly to read my profile this far. So now, what else are you looking for?? If you are looking for a taqwa and pious woman be your wife,send a message say salam to her. May Allah swt grant us a rightious and compatible partner. Ameen.
Wish you all the best, may Allah guide & bless you to what u wish for. Aameen.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
I have one child
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United Kingdom
My Height
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Social Worker
My Job Title
Pefer not to say
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?