Searching for a true spouse

My Sect
Very religious
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Ok so to give you the boring 411 :) ,Im an egyptian canadian ,i speak fluent english and arabic, they say i act older than my age, i work as a assistant lecturer at university in the faculty of engineering, currently im completing my work contract and hopr to get a phd in london .im an only child ,my mother is a convert from a lebanese and syrian catholic christian family , Allah has made her my guide to deen and we support each other alhamdolilah , my father is egyptian.
ok so a little about myself ,my perspective of life is that allah is our target , in order for us to meet him and not be totally ashamed of our lives we must strive and show allah that we r here for him , the aya in the quran where prophet abraham pbuh , in which he says in his dua , Oh allah my prayers ,sacrifices ,life and death is for you ...that means lives must be dedicated to allah ,so the kind of fun we have , our sacrifices and even our death should be for allah .one of the salaf said , i dedicate my sleep to allah just like my awakening , because sleep helps u complete the journy ur destined to continue in life.
I would love to live a life with my wife where we negotiate everything like the prophet pbuh and aisha did , nick names are the only names we should call each other by , being playful is a must , i mean if u wanna be tough in the streets that's ok with a smile of course , but at home , know that i'm a big baby in the shoes of a muslim engineer who knows his obligations towards surviving and making this ummah one step closer to understanding and fulfilling its purpose towards allah , but at home i'm playful , very sensitive , emotional and romantic , i don't see braiding my wifes hair as we chat , playing wii together , exercising at home or even chatting together as an option , i know and believe its a must and duty that we must fortake , allah looks with mercy towards 2 spouses who look at each other with mercy and sheds their sins when they hold hands , both hadiths narrated by the prophet pbuh. and to be honest i need that lifestyle to go on till we die not just till our mid thirties our when we start having kids, kids are the sadaqa were leaving behind to complete the legacy we're living now , not the obstacle that should stop us from serving allah all together as a family.
im a home & beach person , i love exercising, reading, beach visits on weekends watching lectures and all sorts of activities at home. don't get me wrong i can go out every week but the hadith said that when the fitan (worldly disaster signs) start appearing , hold ur tongue, stay home and cry over ur sins and wrong actions , besides ,, i want my wife and i to be able to enjoy our moments without the eyes of strangers on us , im jealous in a good and positive way and i can only accept being with a woman who wears full hijab , i.e abayas, not because im jealous but because it covers the criteria for the correct hijab . my life is school , work , masjid and home ,i dont club, watch football games , hang out , or waste time alhamdolilah .i imagine my wife being the coolness of my eyes were she would not mind when were out that i stop the car and pray on time , jamaa , first row with the sunnas . i want us and our kids to be punctual about prayer , when we miss prayer on time in jamaa that's where we become the umma that prefers dunya over deen and thats why weve been stepped over for all these years as the prophet said pbuh , and the best of deed for allah is prayer on time so if u really love ur kids , wife and family , stop 15 mins before duhr prayer when ur at the sporting club , home or wherever , make it to the masjid and complete ur day.

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What I Am Looking For
I see my wife essentially as my baby sister in all times that i should take care of and cherish ,my big sis when i need advice , my mom when i need a shoulder to moan and drop a few tears on and my best friend who knows everyhing thing about me. i need someone who is sensitive , lovable , kiddish , spontaneous and mature at the same time. my responsibility is to spend on my wife for everything she needs and that's a pleasure i want to have as long as we both understand that we are partners and that we are living together to make things work , we both must show respect and affection for one another constantly , whatsapping during the day , love poems , greeting cards and romantic home candle dinner lights are what i expect us to have and anything more but nothing less.

i would like to encourage my wife to study arabic ,fiqh hadith and memorize the quran as part of us starting our marriage life , so that we can both be the support for our children , but if she wants to work in a place wjere i know its safe and no one will harrass her because of her hijab , her manners or her kind character then thats fine , but i do prefer my princess staying home and going to islamic institutes that i will put her in and apply for to strengthen her deen , that way i know my princrsss is safe and becoming a sheykha for our family :).

i imagine us growing in islam together , memorizing , hugging as we watch lectures on our big projector screen at home , yes seriously , nouman ali khan , suhaib webb, sheikh shady ,abdulnasir jangda and hamza yusuf are my favourite sheiks. and we must keep them in our lives , in the car , home and earphones to increase in knowledge and make our kids fluent in both arabic and english , i listen to other arabic speakers such as omar abdelkafy , aid alkarny , mohamed nabulsi , muhammad hassan and khalid rashid .this is a target till death , they asked an imam while he was passing away , why r u writing , ur dying , he said a arabic sentence that rhymes “ from the mahbara to the maqbara” from the ink pot to the ground burial , and that should be our target..knowledge and its application.

i don't go out to see the boys :D , i love staying home , my friends are all very well educated and we met in a quran halaqa that goes on every week , were about 20 and i have 1 or 2 very close friends, but i'm the type of person who will stay home with my wife and have the weekly halaqa with her instead of them , because she's simply my best friend , if she wants to go out , see her friends , that's totally fine , but you have to know that i'll always to be around the woman i marry , we are not getting married to logon to facebook and see what other people re doing , we're getting married to show allah that we can do much better together than what all the others are doing alone , and making dawah at the same time .

i know ive spoken too much but i just wanted to gie as much of a clear insight as i could till further a do .

thank you , jazakom llaho khayran and salam alaykom we rahamat allahy we barakato

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
My Height
1.78m (5' 10")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Masters degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Very religious
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?