
My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Georgia, Atlanta
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
****I am divorced. I know some Muslim men unfortunately look down upon divorced women, as if we are less than, even though our Prophet (s.a.w) married several divorced women. I had to leave a very negative situation and now I'm looking for a partner who is kind, I'm compatible with, and willing to put in the effort it takes to have a great marriage! If I find the right man, I will treat him like the King he is. :)

****Pretty Please don't message me flirty things. Also, I don't do the dating thing. If you message me please do it with the intention of getting married. Thank you!

My name is Monique! I am a Muslim who converted to Islam in April of 2010 and I am the only Muslim in my family. I love traveling to different countries, eating new foods, and learning different cultures. I was born in Germany, lived there for about 6 years, and spent my adolescence living in Hawaii. I am a professionally trained chef who has a small personal chef business where I cook healthy meals for my clients.

I am also vegan (meaning I do not consume animal products like meat, seafood, or dairy). My spouse does NOT have to be vegan or vegetarian, but he'd have to be okay with only eating meat when he gets if from a restaurant or if he cooks the meat himself. I wouldn't mind cooking seafood for him.

Also, don't be scared of vegan food! Vegans don't sit around eating salads and sprouts all day! Vegan food is great when I'm the one cooking it. Indian Spiced Chickpeas in a Curry Coconut Gravy, Roasted Potato and Black Bean tacos with Plantain and Creamy Chipotle Sauce, Sweet Potato and Cassava Soup, Vegetable Gumbo, Peppers Stuffed with Curry Fried Rice simmered in a Spicy Tomato Sauce. The options are endless! Be open-minded! :)

I am very interested in Holistic Healing (natural healing) and love learning about plant foods, herbs, and natural supplements that can be used as remedies for disease and other health issues. I love reading, food photography, nature, and I'm learning how to garden. I care about animals and the environment and feel it is our responsibility to protect & take care of them. I loooove nature!

Increasing my Islamic knowledge is important to me. I try to follow Islam the best I can and be a good Muslim. I take my religion seriously, but I'm not super strict. I don't care for "preachy" Muslims. I prefer those who "preach" with their actions, not words.

I would like a spouse who really wants to make his wife happy because I will always try to do the same for my husband.

I'm not into Polygyny, although I respect it.

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What I Am Looking For
Between the ages of 27 and 37, U.S., Canada, Europe only please!

- Patient

- Someone who does not get angry easily. This is very important to me. I will not be with someone who gets mad at every little thing. I've learned from personal experience that being angry all the time, or being with someone who is like this, is draining and unproductive.

- Someone who has a good amount of Islamic knowledge. I like reading Islamic books and learning for myself, but being able to learn from my husband would be nice.

-Someone who does not care a lot about material things. I hate going on instagram seeing people brag about their expensive cars, jewelry, and name brand clothes. I think these things are a waste of money and would not be compatible with someone who cares about these things. I do not relate with someone who likes shopping at expensive clothing stores and buying expensive cars. If I spend a lot of money on something it will be for traveling, food, or my photography equipment; things that are important to me, not things I think will impress others.

-Someone who is financially stable. I don't need a rich husband, but he must have some type of stable career. I would like someone who can pay his own bills. If I work, I would prefer it be because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United States
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
25,000 - 50,000
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Georgia, Atlanta
My Height
1.70m (5' 7")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
Business & Restaurant Management and Culinary Arts
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?