Bismillah and AsSalamWalaikum

My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Georgia, Atlanta
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
A successful marriage has a huge factor on his background, family and upbringing. My mom says that all the time and I never realized how right she is until I got a few years wiser. Marriage is never just about who you marry it involves and impacts everyone so with that being said, Family is really important to me. I’m the oldest of 4 brothers and 1 sister MashAllah. (I pray that I meet a person who looks at my parents and siblings like his own and vice verse.)

I have never been the one to take marriage lightly or something that needs to be rushed into as I believe it a permeant bond (InshaAllah) and should be though out carefully.

Unless it is in regard to deen many of the decisions I make depend on how it will benefit others around me. I love being able to help others and truly enjoy when I can be of assistance. Humanitarian work is my passion. It saddens me to see someone in need and I always feel compelled to help. Alhamdulillah we are so blessed that’s its only right for us to be able to assist those we can. Alhumduillah I have always been told I have a big heart InshaAllah it remains that way and that quality will also be in my future spouse.

I enjoy traveling. I like experiencing new environments and cultures. Spontaneous adventurous and trips are the best I don’t know why but for some reasons the ones that are planned out never go as expected or maybe I expect too much who knows . I enjoy outdoorsy stuff like a hike or bicycling. Kiddy activities are always fun, go carts, bowling, arcade, paintball just to name a few. As much as I love going out I also like staying in. I cook for my siblings all the time so a perfect night in would be dinner and a Redbox.

I’m religious but far from perfect. I have a few things I need to work on. I try my best to improve constantly but we always have so much more to learn and May Allah give me the ability to keep learning His beautiful deen. I enjoy going to Islamic lectures or listening to them on YouTube (merciful servant puts out some great things). A perfect spouse would be one that can encourage me to do better and InshaAllah I can encourage him.

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What I Am Looking For
I believe any marriage that contains two people on their deen with the same goals to die as believing and practicing Muslims will succeed InshaAllah. I heard a hadith once that a husband can either take you to Jannah or drag you to hell with him and I’m sorry but I can’t go there with you so I definitely need you to be on your deen and take it serious. I want to be able to help each other improve and want to do better. As you know this dunya is not permanent so I don’t want to be idealizing something that is only temporary. I’m not materialistic; I don’t care for tangible things that will have no benefit to us when we die.

I have never went to the club, smoked or drank and would prefer someone who hasn't done those things either

My ideal spouse would be someone that can become my best friend. Someone I can’t wait to come home to and talk about our day. Someone who has an easy going personality laid back. I think communication is the key to success in all healthy relationships. I would say I am extremely talkative so I would like someone that can not only listen but respond back. I think it’s important to be able to hold a conversation. A good sense of humor is definitely a must. I love laughing and making people laugh in a crowd I’m usually the class clown.

I was raised in Georgia almost my entire life except for a couple years in New York which is why I would prefer a spouse who is also from the states. I don’t mind someone from Canada or UK but anywhere else I don’t think it would work. I’m not saying that because I love western culture or anything its only because I want my husband to have an idea of how things operate and how the system works since I think things like that come in handy when raising kids ( InshaAllah).

Thanks for reading!!

May Allah guides us to the spouse that will be of benefit in this Dunya and the Akhira. Ameen

**Please don’t contact me if you don’t offer your daily salat. If you've already neglected Allah what chance do I have?

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Georgia, Atlanta
My Height
1.57m (5' 2")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
Business Management
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Project Manager
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?