New Life

My Sect
Just Muslim
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Maryland, College Park
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
I am an immigrant to USA about 4.5 years ago. I have had a hard life in my country, and also after my immigration to USA, this hard life continued to me. But I tried to solve them, and by hard work, and grace of God, I could solve most of them, and already I am a free man.
I have many ideas about future, and many experiences, which come from my hard life in the past. Although my life still is not 100% ready to establish a prefect family as we (you and me) might wish, (and some thing still in my life are wrong), but I am a man (surly a strong man) with many abilities to change these problems, and I am trying to solve my ahead problems as best as I can. Life can be some times really hard, but with a good background (good family (your parents)), and many positive elements, which can come/be from/in your society, and many thing else, plus rely on the God, and use his resources, which all of them are real treasures, and caused you find many ways; which are at the first direct, and secondly can guide you to dealing with your problems efficiently and properly, and cause you solve your problems as best as you can imagine.
Words of God; are really precious treasures, that are endless, and also give to you many applicable and positive ideas, which can solve your problems (direct), or can help you to find some ways to solve your problems during your life (indirect help and guide you). I as a human, who suffered so much hardness in his life, have felt or have experienced these realties many times in his life, and already I believe and I sure these words are real and can solve our problems as best as we can imagine. I as an educated person, most of time, try to understand very well word of God rather than to be an absolute follower. Fortunately my background knowledge with A.A degree in Social Science, and B.S in Accounting, and plenty knowledge and experiences as computer programmer and software designer could help me to understand words of God as best as could possible, and I found all of them correct and true. Already I am a man with many ideas and knowledge, which able me to manage my life and my family life at the present and at the future appropriately. I must remind again that (as I told), although my life still is not 100% ready to establish a prefect family as we (you and me) may wish, and still I am not in fields that I mentioned (computer or accounting) before, but I am making my utmost effort and attempt to achieve to my goals (regard to my jobs), and I am really 100% serious in this way. But also in other hand, life can be (and is) some thing else. Some day, a man or a woman feels that he/she needs a spouse and a partner. Life for both of these sides will be so difficult without spouse or a partner. Marriage can solve many problems, which nothing else in world can solve these problems perfectly, and without marriage solve of these problems arent possible. Therefore I am looking for a wife with these characteristics: Modest, believe to God and pious and as well as educated and acquaint to current modern sciences, a strong woman with enough knowledge and experiences in dealing with (ahead) problems, and also so many more positive attributes, which a man (usually) expects from a woman. And as well as vice versa a woman (usually) expects form a man.

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What I Am Looking For
Modest, believe to God and pious and as well as educated and acquaint to current modern sciences, a strong woman with enough knowledge and experiences in dealing with (ahead) problems, and also many more positive attributes, which a man (usually) expects from a woman

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
United States
Maryland, College Park
My Height
1.91m (6' 3")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Light brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
My Sect
Just Muslim
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?