Sincere, Moral, Faithful, Thoughtful Partner 4 U!

My Sect
My Profession
Health & Beauty
Marital Status
Washington, Bremerton
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
I was born & raised in San Diego, Ca. USA.

I am 1/2 Sicilian (Mothers' side) 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Austrian (Fathers side), Both were Roman Catholic; we rarely attended mass. I had prayers, devotions at home mostly.

I've been drawn to God all my life searching. I was called to Islam by inquiring about it in 1991.

Over the years my knowledge grew. I've studied many aspects of Islam, being curious & seeking the truth. I kept seeking in Islam & other faiths, weighing each one against the other.

This has been a long journey. I even looked into the various sects of Islam. I must say for a long time I struggled between sects.

I have to trust God will guide me & send me my husband & I'll be what he believes? Seems best to me.

I'm light skinned, natural blonde curly hair, hazel green eyes, I know wearing hijab is good for us so I'm ready to wear it for my husband. Right now I'm size 20. I'd like to lose some. I feel better lighter.

I smoke & I enjoy it, so I expect to continue. If It has to be outdoors or other area, I'm used to that.

I've been celibate 13 years, don't drink alcohol.

I respect a man for his position as head of household.

I raised 1 son now 28 years old, who I've lost contact with 3 years ago. I don't fuss about it. I pray for him that God will wake him up.

I'm psychologically solid. I don't care for gossip/backbiting so I never do it.

I am a good listener. I can be talkative at times but I'm quiet most of time.

If you have kids with you I hope it's 1-2. I'm not able to keep up with very active small children. I am patient but I prefer not to over stimulate my environment often.

I get fatigued at times but just rest then. I was born sun sensitive & heat sickens me easily. I can not spend a lot of time in the direct sunlight.

Prayer, I'm learning. I love to read about Islam. I enjoy listening to Lectures on the web. I'm not so great at learning lot's of prayers I'm needing to do it. Will you help me please?

I enjoy being on the internet & learning, reading news.

I do not care much for T.V., it is foul for the soul. I do on occasion view it but get frustrated with the content of ignorance & degrading immoral behavior.

It's all geared to seduce & lull people in to hypnosis. The masses are addicted to entertainments & that is all they seek. Most people are asleep & have no clue they are asleep.

My concern is that I wish they could be reverted to Islam but it looks hopeless in many cases.

I feel sad when I see how media has changed Muslims as well! One cannot cheat Allah.

Children today face great obstacles. Satan weaves to ensnare.

We need to guide & protect our youth. Say no to what is popular. Shelter them from all of the sparkle, glam & glitz.

Well these are the things I think about daily.

I know. I went through it with my own son. We all will get exactly what we deserve eventually.

That is why I ask God often to send a strong believer to me so I can serve God rightly.

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What I Am Looking For
I need him to be strong in his faith so I can follow his lead.

I'd like to meet a man in control of his emotions.

I'm looking for strength. I feel I have these qualities & I wouldn't care for anyone to passive. Some humor is good! Compassion & Empathy are beautiful.

Where are you O my soul my missing part of me? Is that you? Look inward. You will know.

I like tall men with dark eyes & hair, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, I'm unsure. I'll know when I see him.

If you wear a beard I am happy to have you with a beard.

I need someone with an inquiring mind with good manners & highly intelligent. I have to have a match of minds or greater, it is important.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United States
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Friends
United States
Washington, Bremerton
My Height
1.63m (5' 4")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Non degree qualification
Subject I Studied
Esthetics,cosmetic & skin care chemistry,massage
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Health & Beauty
My Job Title
My Sect
Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
Usually Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?