
My Sect
Just Muslim
Prefer not to say
My Profession
Marital Status
Virginia, Manassas
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Alhamdulillah! Allah blessed me with a wonderful wife from this website. May Allah bless everyone with a proper spouse that will be the coolness of their eyes. Ameen!!!!!

I had previously stated that it is very difficult for me to speak about myself. However, I understand the benefit of screening more practically now, so here it goes:

I love Allah and Sayyidna Rasulallah! That is the bottom line alhamdulillah.

I am a 39 year old who embraced Islam 19 years ago by the decree and mercy of Allah. Born and raised in the US. My cultural background is Turkish, Scotch, Irish and Italian.

I lean towards a more traditional approach to life. I am a simple person with lots of quirks and complexities. I enjoy all sorts of foods but strive to not overindulge in gluttony. I appreciate unique style and fashion but I'm not one to spend hours in the mall shopping. I have aspirations in life and the hereafter but I am not one that solely defines ambition to be understood through title and/or salary. I work to live not the other way around. I would much rather spend time with the ones that I love than super long work weeks around strangers that I would probably not want to have anything to do with. Such is the challenge in life :)

In terms of our lovely way of life known as Islam, I adhere to the traditional approach of ahlul sunnah wal jama'a, following of the traditional schools of law and tasawwuf. I enjoy doing dhikr in all its forms and understanding although I am a very low level nuffs. I believe that the foundation of our way is a balance between outer and inner, law and spirit, form and substance.

I am a work in progress and will continue to be so until Allah sends the angel to take my soul :)

I love to read, enjoy music, art and creative people. I enjoy being helpful and strive to serve. I also enjoy exercise, dieting properly and being conscious towards a halal and tayyeb approach to living. I believe that the things we consume and the manner in which we live in this world should be done with a consciousness of our interconnectedness. The Watcher sees what we do! We should show kindness and forbearance to the earth and the world we live. Therefore, I have started to gradually be more conscious about how I eat, where I purchase the goods that I need for sustenance, the quantity of regular consumption and the origins of materials.

I enjoy a pleasant face, a deep conversation, natural beauty and substance.

I write poetry but not a poet, study Islam but not a shaykh nor student, have a sense of humor but not a comedian.

I love star wars and comic books (x men my fave), so if being married to a nerd is not something that you could see yourself doing, pass on by.

I am introspective, can talk but prefer not to (that usually happens when I am trying too hard)--which may indicate something about this long rant 'a little bit about me' lol :)

I can be moody at times, quiet in others, all in or disengaged.

I hope these ramblings help to paint a picture of my personality.

If you would like to get to know more, message me and let's start a conversation :)

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What I Am Looking For
Alhamdulillah! Allah blessed me with a wonderful wife from this website. May Allah bless everyone with a proper spouse that will be the coolness of their eyes. Ameen!!!!!

I love the awliya and am looking for someone that shares that

I appreciate all creatures of Allah :)

I have been divorced now for 3 years. I have two daughters 15 and 13 that are the center of my life. They live with me during the week and stay with their mom on the weekends, so if that would be an uncomfortable setting for you, then please pass on by.

I have an aging widowed mother that I moved into my home with me last year. I did this with the intention of not only taking care of my mom but spoiling her as well. If you can't see yourself living with your mother-in-law then pass on by.

I enjoy a pleasant face, a deep conversation, substance, and unique style. I am not interested in a cookie cut out clone of any sort. No robotic umpa loompas please.

I enjoy an earthly woman (this does NOT mean someone who loves dunya and can't wait to buy a 16th pair of shoes lol). Rather, I prefer a natural woman.

I am looking for a sister that has a firm grasp of sharia as well as haqiqa. Someone who appreciates the creation of Allah. That appreciates exercise, reading, and striving to know Allah.

I am attracted to women that prefer natural beauty to getting dolled up. That prefer dhikr and reflection to gossip and idle chatter. A woman that is capable of loving my children as their own.

I love language and am currently semi fluent in spanish and striving to learn the language of the Quran.

If you are a sister who can't take incense, cats, coffee, dhikr, passion, intensity, motorcycles, exercise, thorough traditional Islamic studies, tasawwuf and hybrid tradition/artistic life then we probably won't be a good match.

Ultimately, I chose to put myself out there for marriage to find a ride or die, diamond in the rough soulmate. I don't marry to see how it will go. I marry for keeps. So please, if you engage me be yourself, encourage me to do the same, and be real.

I pray that all of us have success in this noble endeavor and that Allah bless us with openings in this journey to find our partners. Ameen!

Alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
United States
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
Next year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Virginia, Manassas
My Height
1.78m (5' 10")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
Speech Communication
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Prefer not to say
My Sect
Just Muslim
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?