Marriage only

My Sect
My Profession
Home Maker
Marital Status
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
I am born a genuine female Allahamdullilah. No Botox,no implants,no plastic surgery,no colourful eye lenses,no photo filters,no hair extensions, no false eyelashes, no false nails, no added body parts and no parts removed.😂
I am also sane so no insanity of "I believe I am a pigeon or rabbit". No gender crisis or identity crisis either and I'm not a drama queen 🤣
I do use make up but occasionally or when out with family.
Please don't message me if you are looking for a girlfriend full or part time. I don't go on dates with non mahram and even if we got to know each other a bit more I will still not agree to go on a date.
I will not agree on any form of intimacy (hugging,kissing or being alone) with you before marriage. I have been asked too many times and my answer is always no. This is not permitted in islam.

I'm a british born muslima. I am a kind, caring and understanding person who values honesty. I like to laugh and do talk a lot 🤣 but not about makeup, jewellery, clothes or the latest trends these things bore me. I've been raised more practical.
My profile pic was taken on eid and my second picture is without makeup so my future husband doesn't wake up after marrying me to find a strange woman next to him. Lol.🤭

I'm not an over spender or materialistic and I can't stand people who show off or are boastful.
I try to give charity whenever I have the opportunity and believe in helping those less fortunate. I'm the person you would see buying a sandwich or bag of food for someone homeless on the street corners. Its in my nature to help and I can't ignore anyone who needs help. I also do the same for animals. I could never ignore an animal who needs help🥰

I have many hobbies. I enjoy drawing, painting, felting, scrapbooking, baking, cooking, pets, recycling materials to create something new, gardening, reading books.
I'm currently learning Spanish.My Spanish app told me my learning skills are mouldy 😂 My app has attidute problems and needs to see a therapist 🤣

PLEASE read my profile before messaging. I have chosen to live with my parents. If you don't agree with this please don't message.

I am also looking for someone who loves animals, especially cats 😹as I have 15 of them.🙀 I also have lots of sugar gliders as pets.
Even if my future hubby didn't love animals but tolerated them would be nice.
They are after all created by Allah(swt).
I love nature and try my best to live and eat if you are allergic to pets please think twice before messaging. I wouldn't want to end up a widow just 24 hours after being married 🤣

I'm a really good gamer and enjoy playing video games and PlayStation 🎮
I also enjoy watching movies especially Jackie Chan movies but I also enjoy a variety.
I love old movies too.
I'm an anime and manga fan and studio ghibli is my favourite.

I am divorced,which is why I am looking for someone UK based as my last marriage had problems because my husband had married me for a visa and had no interest in me or making our marriage work.

I would like to marry a guy who prays 5 times a day or at least tries to pray. If my future husband is knowledgeable about Islam it would be a bonus if not then someone who would at least want to learn.
I am only interested in a guy for marriage only as I don't believe in premarital relationships.

I don't work and don't have the intention to work. It is a life choice for me and i don't disrespect or dislike women who choose to work. For me marriage and my future husband and children would be priority.

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What I Am Looking For
Someone humble, gentle caring, romantic, funny, gamer, pet lover, faithful and religious or tries to better his faith.
Non judgemental, worldly yet aware of his spiritual side.
A book reader, creative, bush crafter and good at DIY would be a bonus.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
West Yorkshire
My Height
1.52m (5' 0")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
Psychology, business, art and media
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Home Maker
My Job Title
Stay at home
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?