Desert in My Pores

My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Arizona, Chandler
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Assalam Alaikum ...

Originally from Midwest but later lived in Arizona and go back often...for vacations I like to go exploring in the desert and have many stories of being stranded in Nevada and Arizona. Last trip was to Death Valley where I saw one of the strangest landscapes in which rocks move by themselves apparently. I go to Mexico twice a year to play in a sand volleyball tournament... it is a tradition I have held the last 10 years.

I recently built my first house in Arizona; I took some chances with the landscaping. If anyone is familiar with Western landscaping, it is quite different than east of the Mississippi. Most of my neighbors did linear landscaping. Ugh! I decided to try more "naturalist" approach in the layout (i.e. no linearity). I also experimented with color... adding color with catci blooming and not-often used trees. After some researching, I found this very interesting tree... its branches have a regular triangular pattern to them. I had to have that for sure. Also I mixed in this sliver-blue-ish tree... I will see if my experiment will work. Outside my house is a view of the San Tan Mountains near the Indian reservation.

I have this affinity for Indian reservations. Not sure why but have always had an interest in Native American society and their unjust treatment. What I have seen on these reservations would remind you of situations in poorer countries. What draws me to them is their history... the vast injustices to them and their continued state. One of my adventures involved four of us transversing through Indian territory. One was a Chinese, another an Italian, another a Croatian, and then me. I know, I know .... it sounds like I am telling a bad ethnic joke. We stop at a store at the Indian reservation. We were deciding who would go in. I said half-jokingly that since I look the most "native", I would go in. I went inside, and I felt all the Native Americans looking at me. I think they were trying to figure out what tribe I was from. Interesting experience... I suppose they never saw my kind. Anyways after that our car got hit by a dust devil...

Hmmm... more about me ... I went on a slightly different track than most Indo-Pak's... I first got my BS in Physics. Later I did my MS in Chemical Engineering with some emphasis in Biomedical Engineering.. (ok so that part follows the 99% of Indo-Pak). What do you mean I left you hanging about the dust devil with this boring info above? That is right! If you want this corrected, you have to email me...

One of my life goals is a project for orphan children; I have not done anything about it, but it is an aspiration of mine. I have many stories, but I have to hear from you first. Have to keep up the suspense you know. I have been known to conjure a limerick or two to save a friend's wedding, but if you want to know more ....

I used to be fairly active in community (cultural) things when I was younger, and so I have an activist side to me if the right occasion comes along. I do not drink or smoke, and I live a fairly healthly lifestyle. I am moderately religious; however it is interesting to hear what moderate means from different people. I enjoy conversation, and as such I am quite comfortable and confident in unknown uncomfortable situations. It is fairly easy to know me once you meet me. I have an outgoing personality, yet reserve at the same time. I know it sounds oxymoronic, however once you know me you shall understand. (Sounds like the "Force" on Star Wars)

Unfortunately, I currently do not have many Muslim friends. Insallah, hopefully that will change soon. I defintely miss the multicultural interactions and interests. Well I do not want to talk about myself ad infinitum. Hope to hear from "y'all" as they say in Arizona. If you want to hear more stories .....

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What I Am Looking For
Charm yet grace
Character belies her face
Pious must
Enjoys apple crust
No mope, No dope
Patience and hope
Are my creed
See others need
Believes postivity
Sets one free
Wont go on and on
Fine me for more yarn

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
United States
Arizona, Chandler
My Height
1.80m (5' 11")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Masters degree
Subject I Studied
Physics, Chem E
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
My Sect
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Do Not Keep halal
Do You Perform Salaah?