What Shall Be..Shall Be..In His Will Lies Our Good

My Sect
Somewhat religious
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Greater London
United Kingdom
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Please read my profile before contacting me - Without the intention of offending any members I would like to emphasise that I would only like responses from British Citizens/Permanent Residents living in England, preferably London, who have never been married before, are elder or no more than 2 years younger than me, who do not smoke or drink and who have a picture available on their profile. I have put pictures up of myself and so it's only fair that I get to see a picture too. Only those with a serious view to marriage need reply.

This could be a long one; it all depends on how quick you can read ;P A cup of tea or coffee might help...Happy Reading :)

Ok here goes...Salaam and Hi! I consider myself to be a warm, kind hearted, caring, family orientated, cheeky and a fun loving person who gets on with people from all walks of life. Like any other human being I am not perfect, but hey I'm sure if you love me enough, you will see pass those faults of mine.

My friends and family say that I have a really bubbly personality and that I'm always up for a laugh even if it's at my own expense. I can act like a complete child at times, but also very responsible and mature when the situation requires me to be.

I am a confident person, but yet at times I can come across as being shy; am pretty open minded and also very strong willed. I'd like to think I have the right balance between eastern and western cultures. I do not confuse culture/traditions with religion, as I know how to differentiate between the two.

I enjoy spending time with family and friends; shopping, music, dancing, eating out, social networks, watching the occasional movie at the cinema or just a DVD at home and yes I am into Bollywood and Indian/Pak shows and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I also love to have a good old session playing console games be it the Xbox, PS3 or Wii...basically anything that involves having fun I'm there...lol!!

I would love to travel the world, especially to those countries where there's a lot of culture, where it's nice and hot and if the food is halal then that's just even better, so I do hope I get to travel more with my husband, as there is so much for us to see and learn.

Just one more thing...I would like to continue working after marriage, be it on a part-time basis or maybe even volunteering a couple of days in the week, but once the kids come along I promise its 100% dedication to our kids.

Oh and another thing...I'm happy to meet before getting our parents involved, as I do feel it is important to get to know one another in order to be sure that things can progress further, but please remember parental involvement is a MUST at some point down the line. My family are fully aware of me being on this site and I hope those who contact me also have the support of their family.

Alhumdulilah, I have been gifted with a very beautiful, loving and caring family. One who will welcome their son in-law/brother in-law with open arms. I can guarantee that you will never regret being a part of this family...we are a crazy bunch.

My family is very dear to me and I hold them very close to my heart. I believe my parents have taught us good and honest morals, which have helped us through life so far.

I fully respect that my future husband may also have a close relationship with his family and intend to join a family with every hope of incorporating them into my life.

For those of you who find it important we originate from Pakistan and are of Rajput caste. However, my family themselves are not caste orientated as Islam does not teach us to look down upon people, everyone is an equal.

Everybody has their own thoughts and opinions on life, religion and spirituality, so it's each to their own.

For me life is a beautiful gift from Allah SWT. I also believe in destiny and that whatever happens in life happens for a reason and for the best, therefore, I like to have a positive outlook on life and would rather enjoy the good times then to dwell on the bad. I think facing difficulties in life is like a challenge and it can only make us stronger. Plus, we will only be tested to the extent of what we can take.

Islam is an integral part of my life and I respect it greatly. I would say that all my actions/decisions are based around the teachings of Islam. No, I am not an extremist or someone who is overly religious, but I do try to live my life within the boundaries of Islam. Alhumdulilah I have been to Umrah once and would love to go to Hajj one day. I guess I try to do the basics, but there's definitely room for improvement.

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What I Am Looking For
I don't think there is an ideal guy as such as no one is perfect, but I would like someone who is down to earth and knows how to put a smile on my face, someone who can be funny, cheeky, but also serious and mature when the situation requires him to be. I would like him to have a little bit of a naughty streak a bit of bachpana. I am attracted to someone with honesty and thoughtfulness; of course someone who is romantic, but that's only towards me ok...lol; I'm not materialistic, so sweet words and gestures would do the trick.

I am looking for someone who has a positive outlook on life and who is willing to stand by me through the good times and the bad; a person who most definitely values and respects his religion, family and culture.

Ultimately, I am looking for someone who will not only be my life partner but someone who will be my best friend too. Although looks are important, beauty comes from within...let’s not forget looks can be deceiving however, saying that I still believe there should be an element of attraction between two people. For me the foundation of any relationship is built upon trust, honesty, compromise and understanding and if these are there then love will automatically be there.

I'm not asking for too much am I??? ;-) The stars and the moon would be an added bonus...lol :P

Of course, in return I hope to be a good wife who will always stand by her husband’s side be it the good times or the bad. No matter what life throws at us we will face it together and never accept defeat. Life is full of tests and we will pass each and everyone one of them with a smile. I will be his best friend, his companion...and Insha'Allah his soul mate!!

I hope you got an insight of what I'm like and what I'm looking for? I also hope you made it to the end of my profile...lol!! Everyone has an ideal wish list, but even if you meet all these ideals you can’t be sure until you actually click...so if you're interested then please get in touch and let’s see where destiny takes us.

Thank you and all the very best in your search; May Allah SWT help and guide us all to the partner whom we are destined to be with...Aameen!!

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United Kingdom
Greater London
My Height
1.52m (5' 0")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Medium brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
Statistics with Business Management
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Practice Manager
Somewhat religious
My Sect
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?