Let's go to Jannah together. In Sha Allah.

My Sect
Very religious
My Profession
Engineer (Mechanical)
Marital Status
Never married
Saudi Arabia
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
“All praise is to Allah swt”

"Among the Muslims the most perfect, as regards his faith, is the one whose character is excellent, and the best among you are those who treat their wives well" - Al Trimidhi – 628.

Aslaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu .

Maybe it will be a testing time for many of us. But for sure the one who loves us more then love of "70 mothers" with right time He will bless us someone perfect partner one day Inshallah. I pray May Allah swt bless everyone with a partner with whom life become happy here and way become easy for jannah.

Alhamdulillah! Iam one of the servant of Allah swt who performed Hajj this year(2018).Inshallah in future if I get a chance I would like to do the next with my friend/partner/soulmate(wife) . I came to know about this website through one of my friend. My intention for making the profile is to complete my half deen In Sha Allah, I hope to find someone soon.

“They (your wives) are a clothing (covering) for you and you too are a clothing (covering) for them (Surah 2, verse 187).

Alhumdulilah, Allah swt has blessed with health and knowledge. I enjoy playing sports at weekends,travelling,Making new friends….. I can be very talkative, a little outgoing and a friendly ear to listen in times of need. I try my best to make the people that matter to me happy with whatever I can give and do; I’m always there when I can be. The thing I value the most in any type of relationship (honesty, caring )is being appreciated and loved, and having my voice heard and respected even if someone disagress. I do listen sometime music and watch movies. Iam trying to change myself.

Oh! By the way Alhamdulillah I do myself managing things like cooking(basic necessary household thing)lol! Life taught everything with time.
The Prophet said,The one who looks after a widow and poor (people & children) is like mujahid (Warrior). Who fights for Allah’s cause or like him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day (Volume 7,shahih bukari book 64, Number 265). Perhaps marrying a women who is divorce to take care of her and her kids will earn us more rewards.

“The successful marriage is not when you can live in peace with your wife, but when you can’t live in peace without her”.

Jazak Allah khair for visiting and reading my profile. May Allah swt rewards us for every good intentions, protect our imaan and make us among the one who enter’s jannah . Ameen ya Rab.

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What I Am Looking For
“Real love begins when you make it halal.

A pious woman priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah swt. She tries the qualities of a good wife by following the examples of the Prophet(pbuh) and obeying what is commanded in the Book of Allah swt. Complete obedience and adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and Quran is the best of a woman qualities.

For Every step you take in life remember iam always behind you. No matters what world think . I care you and want to be with you here and life here thats matter me most. Inshallah.

A friend with whom i feel pleasure to spend time. Looking at her (Character,Deeds) make me feel proud(that’s my woman). A woman who has her own dreams and trying best to achieve it. The one who is balanced between duniya and akhirah. A partner who is fearful of Allah swt but not husband. Listen it doesn’t mean you will punch me on my face lol! common. Someone who like travelling, good thinker, respect everyone. Obviously naughty who can do crazy things(Pillow/water fight/impressionist).Common its a life not a serious lecture.

I belive in equality of both men's and women's. Women can enjoy her company with her friends,she can go out,she can make her own decision. Insha Allah i will be with her in all her good intentions. Its upto her to do hijab or not. As a partner i will suggestion and eventually its upto her to take my suggestions or not. I dont want anyone to change for me. One can do whatever there want. But Remember that Allah swt is watching us all the time. If you want to change then make it for Allah swt not for me. Insha Allah i will try to wake you up in tahajjud, i will request you to recite quran daily, i will request to help the poor people. No matter what world will think how modern your belive me i really care for you. death and all will be returning Beauty fades and money goes with time but not a good character. I want to see you in jannah Insha Allah. Purity should be in heart.

Everything is from Allah swt Beauty & Ugly, Rich & Poor, Young & Old. To Allah swt we belong to Allah swt we will return." Fabi Aayi alai rabbikuma tukazziban" (Which favour of your lord will you deny). Be thankful but not arrogant. Respect every creation of our Lord (Allah swt). He is the best creator.

“Men are the maintainers of women, because Allah swt has made some of them to excel others..” (4:34)

Thank you for giving you time. May Allah swt show his mercy upon you ameen.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Saudi Arabia
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
This year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
Saudi Arabia
My Height
1.83m (6' 0")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
Mechanical engineering
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Engineer (Mechanical)
My Job Title
Mechanical engineer
Very religious
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?